Movies Pamplona

Poster for the movie Narración Delegada

First of all Happy New 2012 to all of you!

And now for the purpose of this post. Today I felt like being a little bit more productive than I have been during this Christmas break (it’s called “break” for a reason, right?) and I saw that my friend Andoni Garrido had posted on his Facebook timeline a link to the poster of his upcoming movie Narración Delegada.

Since I know that he used MS Paint to do the original poster I took it upon myself to do something with it. Without any raw materials, pictures or anything. I simply took the old poster and spiced it up a little bit.

Narración Delegada

Not much of an improvement, but at least it’s something that I know he’ll like to use around to promote his quirky, special effects-filled movie.

As for those wondering what this movie is about, first of all please mind that it’s in Spanish (though if Andoni asks I won’t mind making the subtitles in English myself).

And second, this is quite an ingenious little story in which the protagonists start to notice that their lives are being narrated by someone else.

As the tagline suggests: “How would you escape from your own narration?”

Expect to see this short movie soon enough both on his blog and on my website. Andoni says it should be ready to go in about a month. And after seeing some of the clips for the special effects tests I can’t wait!